The FOFIF is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization based in New York. Your donations are tax deductible.

Donating helps The FOFIF do what we do best!

100% of your donation goes towards The FOFIF Short Film Fund, curation and programming, building community, and staffing.

In our fifth year, The FOFIF has reached the place where our growth exceeds our current infrastructure and we need financial support to be able to keep up with demand. There is a great need for the services we offer in the production of short films and even more so in our ability to get films into cinemas; we must meet these demands and go even further in our work towards gender parity in the film industry.

Support The FOFIF by making a donation to expand our public programs, hire staff, launch a distribution initiative, and further our Short Film Fund offering; all while making significant, equitable change in the field we all love so much.